10 Great Podcasts for Tweens

The teachers in our school district have been on a historic first-ever strike since November 1st (we love our teachers! 
✊🏼💙), which means there have been a lot of kids – 49,000 to be exact – spending much of their time at home for the last 16 days and counting (including my three!). It also means I can’t hold my school-based workshop series since we meet on campus and all school buildings are closed during the strike.

Since my after-school classes are canceled and we parents are all scrambling for things to keep our kiddos busy, I sent some DIY activities for the students in my workshops and a few podcast recommendations to keep them occupied. And then I thought, hey, maybe others are interested in introducing their young person to podcasts or simply want to freshen up the family podcast queue.

Before I get to my list of 10 great podcasts for tweens, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of listening in…

Reduces Screen Time:
In an age where digital devices dominate, podcasts offer a screen-free alternative. This can be a refreshing break for the eyes and a way to reduce overall screen time.

Introduces Diverse Perspectives: Podcasts often feature hosts and guests from various backgrounds and experiences, exposing tweens to a diversity of voices and opinions. This can contribute to their understanding of different cultures, ideas, and lifestyles.

Fosters Independence: Listening to podcasts allows tweens to explore their interests independently. They can choose content that aligns with their passions, promoting a sense of autonomy.

Family Bonding: Listening to podcasts can become a shared family activity, providing a screen-free way for family members to bond. It creates an opportunity for open discussions and shared interests without the distraction of screens.

Multitasking: Podcasts allow for multitasking. Tweens can listen while engaging in other activities like drawing, playing, or doing chores.

No Ads or Distractions: Unlike video content, podcasts often have fewer distractions and no visual ads. This promotes a more focused and immersive listening experience.

Educational Content: Podcasts cover a wide range of topics, from science and history to literature and language. They can provide valuable educational content in an engaging and entertaining format.

Enhances Listening Skills: Podcasts often involve active listening, which is a crucial skill. This helps tweens develop better concentration and comprehension abilities.

Accessible Learning: Podcasts can be consumed anywhere, anytime. This makes them a great tool for learning on the go, whether it’s during a car ride, while playing, or before bedtime. And they’re free!

Cultivates Imagination: Many podcasts, especially fictional ones, encourage imaginative thinking. This can be particularly beneficial for tweens as they enter a stage of cognitive development where creativity and imagination are crucial.

So, now that I’ve sold you on how great podcasts can be for your tween and family, here are ten that offer a wide variety of choices on topics, styles, and listening lengths – in no particular order.

Take a look and a listen then let me know which are your favorites!