
“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”  ~Paulo Coelho~

Hi, I'm Maegan...

I’m so glad you’ve found your way here! I love the possibility of us taking an incredible journey together. Now that you’re here, let me share a bit about how I ended up here myself…

Growing up as a people-pleasing introvert, I lived much of my life half asleep. I believed so hard in the stories I held as truth, floated along on the whims of everyone else, and shrank myself so much that I didn’t know which voice was mine or what I even wanted for myself. And so I settled in and took up residence in the sad little land of Autopilot.

Even through all the years of shrinking and doubt, there was always a still small voice – an inner knowing – that whispered, “things could be different.” When I finally took those first cautious steps of digging deep into my inner bullshit, I started chipping away at my stories and began the slow return to myself. It was a quiet, powerful remembering of who I always was that in the end felt like massive transformation and freedom.

That’s why I became a coach. To be someone that stands beside you as you start living your life with intention and purpose. To ask you the tough questions and hold space for you as you climb out from beneath the weight of your stuckness and settling. I’ve been on that journey and it brings my heart so much joy to support and nurture others as they travel that familiar road.

That’s also why I followed up my experience as a coach and elementary school teacher with youth mentor training. After seeing the healing and growth that happens within my coaching clients and circle participants, I knew I wanted to work with young people to give them the tools they need to live an inspired life from the get-go. There’s no need to wait until adulthood to learn how to use your voice, set boundaries, and have confidence.

If you or your tween are ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and empowerment, click HERE to schedule a free 30-minute clarity call. This call gives us a chance to dive deeper into what it is you really want to get out of a coaching series with me and see if we’re a great fit – all before you commit.

…you possess all the power and possibility.

Formal Education and Qualifications 

Maegan Dedrick | Bachelor of Arts in Human Development with a focus in Childhood and a Minor in Speech Pathology and Audiology | Multiple Subject (Elementary) Teaching Credential | Formally Trained and Qualified Life Coach and Youth Mentor | Completed Formal Training in Circle Facilitation 

Working with Maegan helped me not only see my potential, but recognize my present self-worth. I'm inspired to know that I have all the tools I need to execute my goals and come up with action steps to alleviate my anxiety about where to begin. Maegan is truly masterful. By taking something overwhelming and breaking it down into small attainable pieces, she has shown me that achieving even the most overwhelming goals is possible. I'm so grateful for her presence during our sessions, and thrilled to be on the path to being my authentic self.
Edwin Rivera
Hair Stylist/Business Owner

Click HERE to book your FREE 30-minute consultation.