Life Coaching

  • Less Hustle and More Flow

    “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” ~Lao Tzu What if you could move through life with more ease? What if things didn’t always have to be so complicated?  I know. It sounds laughable. Unbelievable even. Living with ease goes against everything  modern society has told us about how life works. Stress, anxiety, striving, grasping, and struggle have all been glorified as the only ways to get ahead, be successful, and make a life for ourselves. We start to feel as if life is a constant battle and we’re all just swimming upstream. Every day we are each called upon to find our own sense of balance between doing too…

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  • Navigating Liminal Space

    “Honor the space between no longer and not yet.” – Nancy Levin Ah, the liminal space. That place between where you’ve been and where you’re going. Where you’re not who you were, but you’re not yet who you’re becoming. Yeah. Super fun. Father Richard Rohr described liminal space perfectly in his newsletter recently: “Liminal space is an inner state and sometimes an outer situation where we can begin to think and act in new ways. It is where we are betwixt and between, having left one room or stage of life but not yet entered the next. We usually enter liminal space when our former way of being is challenged…

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  • We Can’t “Love & Light” Our Way Through This One

    “The revolution will not be spiritually bypassed!!!” – Louiza Doran We’re just gonna get right down to it today because that’s all I know how to do right now. It feels uncomfortable and vulnerable to write this. My gremlins are shouting loudly for me to just stay in my lane and that I will get it all wrong. I undoubtedly will get a lot wrong. I’m always and forever listening and learning. But I cannot ignore all that is happening around us in this moment, and I need to be clear on where I stand as a human and as a coach in my business. So, saddle up – let’s…

  • It’s Okay If Your Body Changes

    I’m sure you’ve seen them. Memes about the “Quarantine 15,” the COVID 19,” “fattening the curve,” “Barbie to Carbie”…they’re everywhere. Even in a global pandemic, it seems that one of the scariest things that could happen for many people is gaining weight or getting fat. When so much is out of our control right now, it can be comforting and calming to claim some power over a few things, and regulating food, exercise, and weight are all familiar, well-established ways to do that. Posting a meme and sharing a good laugh can be a great release – especially in the extraordinary and distressing times we find ourselves in. Shoot, my…

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  • Staying Grounded in the Face of Fear

    Hello, loves! I had another post ready for today, but I’m feeling like I want to touch base with you all about the uncharted territory we find ourselves in these days. With so many big and devastating things happening in the world, it’s easy to understand why so many of us feel overwhelmed and helpless. It’s enough to make even the sturdiest among us take pause. Below you will find ideas for how to move through anxiety and overwhelm and into a more grounded intentional mindset. I’ve used these concepts myself, with clients, and also my children. I hope that you can find some comfort in them, too.   3 Ways…

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  • 5 Simple Ways to Insert Some Calm Into Your Holiday

    A month or so ago, I attended a beautiful women’s circle. As we went around and shared, I was blown away by how many women talked about having intense stress and anxiety about the upcoming holidays. Most of the 20 or so women there were actually dreading the next few months of their lives. The holidays can be complicated and fraught with anxiety. There’s so much pressure to attend all the parties, give all the gifts, and be everything to everyone. We run ourselves ragged with all of the shopping, decorating and festivities, and measure our worth by how happy we all look on our holiday cards. What if we…

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  • Welcome to the Blog!

    Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Maegan and I’m an intuitive life coach who loves working with clients who are ready to return to themselves and create a sovereign, expansive, heart-centered life. I wasn’t always a life coach. I have a multiple subject teaching credential, and in my former life taught littles for 10 years. After the birth of my third child, I started thinking about going back to work and was surprised to find that somewhere along the way, I’d lost a lot of the passion I’d had for teaching. I couldn’t pinpoint why, and maybe it doesn’t matter. All I knew was that I needed a…

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