Most frequent questions and answers:

Life coaching is a way for you to get focused support in bridging the gap between what’s happening in your life now and what you want to happen next. A coach can help you identify obstacles, pinpoint any resistance to change, and provide guidance, motivation, and accountability.

An intuitive life coach uses the tools and principles of traditional life coaching (goal setting, creating action plans, working on blockages, habits and beliefs, etc.), and adds a layer of spiritual coaching into the mix, helping you to access your intuition. This kind of coaching emphasizes emotional and spiritual healing, releasing blockages, and connecting to who you are at your core.

The biggest differences between counseling or therapy and life coaching is that while therapy looks at your past to help manage the present, coaching looks at the present to help you create the future. While a life coach may be able to help you heal a great many things in your life, they are not certified to diagnose disorders or prescribe medications.

Each session lasts one hour and takes places via telephone. We begin with a quick check-in and, if you like, a minute or two of breath work and meditation to help you shift gears. Next, we’ll discuss what actions you took toward achieving your goals and look into any snags you hit, dig into any questions, blockages, or limiting beliefs that came up, and celebrate your big wins. Finally, you’ll set new action steps to take before your next session. 

Sessions are every two weeks, and I’m always available via email for the duration of your coaching with me.

I conduct all of my coaching sessions via telephone in order to maximize your time and privacy. Coaching this way gives you more flexibility and the confidentiality to receive coaching in any location. It provides personal space and allows us to be anywhere in the world and still work together! Sessions held over the phone are also easier to commit to and stay consistent with while on vacation, traveling for work, or navigating a busy schedule.

Of course! While I find that most clients meet and exceed the goals and expectations they set for each series, sometimes you find that your dreams and aspirations are bigger and juicier than you first thought and so will take longer to complete. Or maybe you discover that you simply have more you’re itching to accomplish. You are always welcome to carry your momentum into a new series.

I offer a 30-minute consultation to prospective clients at no cost and with no obligation. Click HERE to schedule a time to meet by phone and explore the possibility of working together.