• Choosing Gratitude

    “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.”   -Melody Beattie As the days draw us nearer to Thanksgiving, a holiday ALL about giving thanks, I thought I would dive into the practice of gratitude in this month’s post. My guess is that most people consider themselves to be pretty grateful in general, but I wonder how many of us have ever had an intentional, consistent gratitude practice. I haven’t, and after digging into and…

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  • 5 Simple Ways to Insert Some Calm Into Your Holiday

    A month or so ago, I attended a beautiful women’s circle. As we went around and shared, I was blown away by how many women talked about having intense stress and anxiety about the upcoming holidays. Most of the 20 or so women there were actually dreading the next few months of their lives. The holidays can be complicated and fraught with anxiety. There’s so much pressure to attend all the parties, give all the gifts, and be everything to everyone. We run ourselves ragged with all of the shopping, decorating and festivities, and measure our worth by how happy we all look on our holiday cards. What if we…

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